Learn a little about me here! We're currently going through a brand metamorphosis of biblical proportions, so don't mind the shotty website. We'll see you back here soon, so fresh and so clean.

7-Figure Entrepreneur, Founder of Monetize Your Mind™
Event Host, Powerhouse Speaker & Digital Business Strategist
ANYWAY, I quit my job in 2017 and gave away all my corporate clothes.
True story. I figured if I was going to beg for my job back after a potential failure to launch, then I'd have to do it naked.
Like an absolute maniac, I bagged up thousands of dollars of designer fashion items I had collected over my career, most of which I accumulated while I was managing Winners stores. I took the bags loaded with corporate fashion and chucked them on my neighbour's front porch for her to distribute to her colleagues.
To some, that may be extreme. But to me, I knew I needed to burn the boats once I had chosen the island. I knew I'd show up differently if my back was against the wall. *Not for the faint of heart.* But every time I lift my head up to breathe after a day of pouring into my work and living life on my terms, I thank myself with every breath for going all in, and never looking back. It's been 4 years since I quit my job with nothing other than an idea and a radical amount of self-trust. I'm now a multi-6 figure business owner, I have helped over 100 women become published authors and countless people start businesses online. I live in rural Alberta in the foothills of the beautiful Rockies.
In 2021 I woke up, ushering in an indescribable amount of pain, grief & fear, that can only come through the experience of a shattered reality. And yet, it was the most beautiful gift I have ever received in my life. The unimaginable loss of things, people, beliefs, perceptions, freedoms, ideologies and social conditioning left me stripped down to my core—and it was there that I found myself for the first time. There was nothing left that didn't belong to me and only me. The sweetness of clarity and true personal freedom took the wheel, and I became rooted. Rooted in who I am and rooted in what I am here to do.
I'm here to restore the power of choice, freedom and independence by helping people create more wealth in their lives.
I'm here to help people know and embody the power they have over their own futures.
I'm here to help people achieve 360 degrees of liberation and a deeper state of consciousness.
You know, normal stuff.
Alright, now that we've had our first date, it's time for you to figure out if you're going to stick around or not! So let's get deep & rip the band-aid off.
Name: Sarah Swain
Marketing Archetype: The Powerhouse
Enneagram Type: 8 Wing 7
Human Design: Manifesting Generator with Sacral Authority 2/4
Astrology: Taurus Sun, Sagittarius Rising & Leo Moon
Marital Status: Married to The Rob with 4 kids that have 4 legs each...and 5 chickens. Update, 4 chickens - a hawk got one! (rip Karen).
Current Goals: 1)To create my first million in one year 2) To live off the grid by and be 100% self-sustainable
What people don't like about me: Some folks find me intimidating, abrupt, too direct & unprofessional.
What people like about me: Some folks find me strong, wise, motivating & hilarious.
So what you think of me depends more on you than it does me. 💁♀️
My top two values: Freedom & Integrity - And I believe they are two of the absolute hardest to embody & live by - but I live by them anyway.
Fave drink: Hendrick's Gin—on the rocks 💅🏻
My position on abortion: I believe it's a woman's choice. While at the same time I wrestle with the groups & elite connections behind pro-choice agendas and why it's pushed as hard as it is. I also wrestle with who advocates for the unborn child. This is where I struggle and continue to explore my understanding. I'm super open to respectful dialogue on this from all sides.
Political position: Our politicians across all parties are cringeworthy and mortifying in their own ways in my opinion, and it's extremely archaic and driven by power & ego across the board. However, political rhetoric aside, policy wise - I vote Conservative. Identity wise - I'm a Libertarian.
Position on the pandemic/vaccine: *Puts on tinfoil hat* Wide awake, unvaccinated & praying for unity.
Pet Peeve: When people don't do the work that allows them to see what they're truly capable of in their lifetime. Loud chewing is another one.
Current favourite social accounts:
Anything to do with homesteading, self-sustainability, calling out leftist corruption & hypocrisy and people living their lives on their own terms.
Current fave podcasts: No favourite podcasts anymore, but I am immediately drawn to episodes that tackle hard subjects and spit truth.
Fave food: Currently vibing on anything locally grown or raised. Working on being able to sustain the fam right here on the land! My husband (The Rob) and I love growing our grilled & smoked meat skills.
Thoughts on social justice: I 100% believe in equality and the fight for it. The problem is, what's happening in the world has less to do with social justice, and more to do with social programming. That's a whole other rant.
Thoughts on what's wrong with the world: A dirty mixture of the mainstream media and the loss of independent thought on a global scale. We love and accept one another way more than the TV wants us to think, and I believe if we turned it off and healed our minds and found our individual voices again, we would find the most beautiful ways to come together, support one another, and solve a lot of problems
Thoughts on cancel culture: It's heinous, abhorrent and I am wildly cautious of people who engage in it.
Hobbies: Gardening, cooking, home decor crafts, roaming around in nature & learning about homesteading
Hardest thing to grow through: Realizing the people I was worried about judgement from, actually didn't like me anyway. They only liked the version of me that appealed to them, which was never the true me. Letting yourself be yourself is gut-wrenchingly difficult to break through, but holy fuck it's worth it.
One a scale of 1-10, how easy is it to offend me: 1 - one's opinion of me has no bearing on me unless I'm insecure about it myself. Then I'm not offended, I'm aware of where I have an opportunity to grow.
Thoughts on swearing & profanity in business: Here for it. I believe in swearing. It's good for the soul, expression and stress releief.
Thoughts on why people quit their daydreams: 99% related to a lack of self-belief & 1% related to building something no one wants
Religion: I absolutely believe in a higher power, and I am in the process of wrestling with what that is, while simultaneously knowing that my belief is enough. I don't follow any specific religion. Churches freak me out.
What makes me feel like a kid again: Christmas
Thoughts on gun control: Legal gun owners aren't the problem. Period.
Fave TV show: Seinfeld, Goliath, Yellowstone, 1883, 1923
Current fave Instagram Accounts: @africabrooke, @barefootfive, @spicymoustache, @jordan.b.peterson
Fave part about coaching: Seeing my clients believe in themselves, like really LAND in that place of radical self-trust.
Superpower: 1) I can envision a person's vision for what they're capable of before they can see it themselves. It's like a 6th sense for me. 2) I can smell bullshit just from a person's energy.

So that's me, in essence! But I'm sure you know that's only the tip of the iceberg of who I am, inside & out, so I do hope you hang around a while and get your own feel. Come say hi on Instagram or drop me a note below!
You'll be happy to know that you're likely in need of doing less, not more.
Join me this Wednesday at 1pm MST
for a free 2.5 hour live workshop where you will learn the critical fundamentals for your online business, and why all the extra strategic fluff won't work without them.